Classic Ikon of the Devil
Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man.
- Ecclesiastes 12:13
Ancient Egyptians believed Set was the god responsible for all evil… Set, or Aiwass, is a demon spirit guide which through "sex magic" infests the witchcraft community… Sodomy is especially "sacred" to Set because of its close association to human waste
- Melmorris
Bear in mind that there are thousands of men whose characteristic is lying, and woe to those who trust them.
- Babylonian Talmud, Genesis Rabba 89
In reality, the actual practice, the ‘free exercise thereof’ of any ‘Satanic’ religion means one thing- it is to do the work of Satan, the Devil, who is the traditional. absolute enemy of God and His only Son Jesus Christ, the Jew from Nazareth. Both Satan and his followers have, throughout the ages, attempted to destroy the three great religions of Abraham that include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is only to be expected that the Temple of Set and many, if not all of its members are, in fact, avowed enemies of God and Jesus Christ. Consider the following internet statement from an admitted Satanist named Jason:
A significantly higher percentage of Satanists are, in fact, gay or bi than is the case within the general population. This should not be surprising. Satanism, as a religion that encourages personal freedom and sexual expression and opposes spiritual tyranny, has a natural appeal for homosexuals, who, more so than most people, have had personal experience with the hypocrisy, intolerance, and cruelty of the God of Abraham and his followers. People who are gay or bi have also had to question the expectations and values of the society in which they were raised, making it more likely that Satanism as a concept will appeal to them as well….Of course it is not a requirement that a Satanist be gay or bisexual. A Satanist is expected to be true to whatever sexualities they find themselves drawn towards.
- Jason, an American Satanist
There is no safety for honest men but by believing all possible evil of evil men.
- Edmund Burke
Satan, the Fallen Angel
666, the Devil
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