Before the Age of Man...
A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away from the Milky Way, there lived a fierce tribe of gigantic, horned men whose one weakness was that they were prone to perpetual warfare as a rite-of-passage into adulthood. Some of them stood a mere 5 feet tall, while some of the bigger ones were up to 50 feet tall and were known to live for thousands of years at a time.
Symbol Representing a Flaccid, Circumcised Penis with Two Testicles
Though they had never developed any sort of advanced scientific technology, they were brilliant metal smiths and miners, who greedily hid their precious jewels and silver deep below the earth, underneath mountains which still spewed out white smoke and molten lava every few hundred years. What made these horned people so unique was their common written book filled with legends and tales from their past, which they called the Book of Silence. Now one of the more famous episodes in their history had occurred literally millions of years before they ever came into contact with the Cherubim, a race fo giant humans who travelled the stars in huge, perpertual star-ships which could feed and support themselves without any real biological or technogical limitations.
The Empire first discovered these barbaric creatures during the reign of Emperor Jupiter Maximus, who lived for over 4,000 years, before finally being overthrown by a rebellion against his violent, degenerate son Apollo Primus. Ironically, it was one of the few surviving horned people who led the revolt against the Empire to victory.
Needless to say, this has nothing to do with the Legend of Blood and Bone, which the clan of horned men included in their Book of Silence. As the story goes, there once were two fierce brothers who had lived in the mountains of the West which had then suddenly sank below the seas may eons ago. One of the sons saw everything as a game of competition, while the other son cared very little about material possessions and dreamed of summoning the wind, the rain, the lightning and the thunder, so that his fellow tribesmen would no longer starve and kill each other for food during times of drought and famine.
When they both were much younger, their father, a skilled and successful miner of silver and gold, who was said to stand almost 100 feet tall gave them both wives, so that they could have many children and grandchildren. At first, both of the horned brothers were happy with their wives and lived in peace. Then, one day, the brother whose wicked obsession was to own everything in order to be satisfied asked the other one if he would switch wives with him for a night or two, so that he could have the pleasure of knowing what it was like to be with his brother's womean as well as his own.
Not surprisingly, the easy-going brother of rain and thunder agreed to give up his wife for the wife of his greedy brother. Nevertheless, when his wife was confronted with the agreement, she angrily refused to let another man ever touch her. She cried many tears because she had expected her husband, the future god of the winds and clouds, to defend her feminine honor against his lecherous brother with his roving eyes of lust.Thus, when the selfish brother found out he could never have his brother's woman, he secretly plotted and then, many years later, found her alone after coming back from the well. With his heart pounding with evil, he raped his brother's wife under a hot, steamy sky where there was no shade or clouds in the skies to protect her.
When the battered and bloody wife finally got back home and told her husband what happened, the easy-going brother became so angry, that the lightning and thunder gathered around him like never before as he headed to avenge his wife's maidenhood. He found his greedy, possessive brother on the very mountain where they had both been born. At first, he intended to kill his scummy rapist for a sibling, but instead, suddenly showed mercy upon his fellow family member and then cut off his right testicle in retribution for the crime against his wife.
Instead of letting everything be said and done, the one-balled brother eventually attacked him from behind, brutally beating, torturing, and then leaving him for dead among the wild beasts of the forests. After that the wicked brother with one ball kidnapped the good brother's wife and continued to rape her whenever he pleased. His own wife didn't care that much, she loved the glitter of diamonds and gold much more than sex.
Eventually, the evil, one-balled brother began a wicked empire of castration and enslavement where the elite, ruling warrior class would automatically castrate the sons of the weak and the poor, so that they could take their females for themselves.In time, the selfish, perverted brother and his fellow devils collected tens of thousands of wives for themselves and enslaved the castrated sons of the common people, forcing them to work as palace guards and government officials who ran the empire as the rulers of violence and hate lounged around day after day, year after year, taking whatever woman caught their fancy.
Then, for whatever reason, something unspeakable began to occur. At first, a few of the ruling class rapists and slavers began to lust after the anuses of the castrated males who surrounded them and worked for them day in and day out. Eventually, two distinct groups of uncastrated horned males began to form. One group preferred all the woman and little girls, while another somewhat smaller group, would only have anal sex with the castrated male slaves. It was estimated that for every male with a penis, there were literally a hundred castrated males, who had been violently maimed at birth by evil doctors of sorcery and perversion.
As the great Book of Silence relates, the brother of clouds and rain barely survived the assault of his one-balled brother, the new 'Emperor' of Planet Horn. After broiling in the sun for weeks unable to move, he was then taken in by a shy, dying race of gnomes who had no horns, but were endowed with penises like donkeys. After many years of pain and woe, the brother finally recovered from his near lethal wounds and began to learn the wisdom of the little people with ugly little wives who cackled and danced in the moonlight. He discovered that, before any man could take claim to his wife, he had to take a knife and cut off his thick foreskin in front of the entire family of his future bride. This was to prove to them that if he ever abandoned her or left her, then the rest of his penis would be in danger of vengeance from her family and tribe.
The Tree of Gold from Planet Horn
In response to their care and love which had brought back to health, he gathered all the gnarled little people together under the mountains of his father, which were filled with miles and miles and miles of abandoned mines. Promising them a kingdom of equality where even those without horns were given equal rights under the king. In front of tens of thousands of these ugly gremlins, he cut off his own foreskin and was declared their king forever as the rain and the thunder echoed throughout the underground caverns.
So, in order to take back the kingdom of horned men from the degenerate perverts demanded dozens, if not hundreds of sexual partners, he began to smuggle in young virgin girls who were in danger of being raped and enslaved by the evil ones. In time, hundreds and then thousands of young virgin females with horns, began to live underground with their future king, the LORD of thunder and rain. Out of boredom and because of the endless darkness under the mountains, these girls began to develop supernatural talents and abilities, much like witches who could fly as fast as eagles and blind a man with a mere word of anger.
The Sword of Thunder and Lightning
Finally, these wild horned girls became women, who began to breed like rabbits to replenish all the horned men lost to the holocaust of castration. In less than two hundred years after the evil brother had lost his right testicle, the people who lived under the mountain were ready to take back the kingdom where there would never be another male child who had been mutilated and enslaved by the powers of hatred and violence. As expected, the Book of Silence tells of a bloody war and eventual victory for the daughters of darkness and their king and father, the future god of skies and rain. The legend of Blood and Bone ends with a single eternal commandment that all men born under the Heavens must cut off the foreskin of the penis to remember all the pain and anguish of the castrated sons of the weak and the poor who had once been used as slaves and as women.
That is why mere earthlings, like Abraham and others who followed in his footsteps, imitate the ancient traditions of giant men with horns, who have vowed to live together in freedom as brothers and to never be castrated again. The Book of Silence also claims that the sound of thunder heard by the men and women of earth is simply the voice of a great-great-great-great-great-grandson of the brother who only had one wife and never dreamed about another, the LORD of thunder, King of Lightning, and Prophet of freedom and circumcision.
Ancient Tales from Before the Beginning
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