You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church,
and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it.
- Matthew 16:18
The Gates of Hell, Part IV. Sodom, The Oldest Conspiracy in the World
Some Historical Background and Understanding
Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Some say it was because they mistreated their poor and committed infanticide by throwing children into a roaring furnace. Others say it was because they were Communist bisexuals who attended raunchy, incestuous orgies that nearly the entire town, including the children, participated in. The real reason, of course, is that they most probably committed all these offenses repeatedly and over the course of many years. Conspiracy theorists who are obsessed with wicked secret societies bent on world domination would be wise to start with Sodom and Gomorrah as the birthplace of those who advocate the abolition of private property, marriage, family, religion and nations. At the same time, Fundamentalist Christians, who are obsessed with the number of the Beast from the Book of Revelation, should also look to Sodom and Gomorrah, and their nightly sex practices, in order to obtain a better picture of what the Beast is truly about. The historical time-line of the ideas and practices that underlies the Sex, Sex, Sex of the Beast can be seen as follows:
Bible's Sodom --> Plato's Republic --> Weishaupt's New Word Order --> Marx's Workers Paradise
The Number of the Beast 666: Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Sex
It should be remembered that sodomy is defined as any type of oral or anal sex whether it be with a male or female. The word itself comes from the nightly sex practices of Sodom and Gomorrah that included the use of magic and sorcery. It has always been widely known that acts of sexual perversion are used to enhance the powers of witchcraft. This power, what Aleister Crowley referred to as Sex Magick, would be the actual driving force behind the Beast of Revelation. 666 is the three little piggies, still on the run from the Inquisitor wolf who would like nothing better to do than to blow their brick house down. That brick house is as follows:
Number of the Beast: Sexual Act, Latin Name of Act
Six Hundred (6): Vaginal Sex, Coitus
Sixty (6): Oral Sex, Fellatio
Six (6): Anal Sex, Sodomy
It is quite possible that Sodom and Gomorrah raised their children in a communal manner and did not have the institution of marriage. Consider the fact that Lot actually offered his two daughters to the townspeople so that they could rape them- so much for parental love. The homosexual Greek philosophers of Athens, such as Socrates, also had similar values. Consider the following quotations from Plato’s book- The Republic:
These women are to be all common to all these men; no one must have
a private wife of his own, and children must be common too, and the
parent shall not know the child nor the child its parent.
No one will deny it would be the greatest good to have women in common
and children in common.
There is also every reason to believe that private property, as such, was not really allowed in Sodom & Gomorrah and that the people there were allowed only very small amounts of personal possessions while everything else was owned communally. Again, Socrates, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, and Karl Marx, founder of Communism, believed likewise. As it states in The Republic:
These will all have dwellings and messes in common, and no one will
have any private property of that kind at all…they will mingle in union
with one another.
They will not use the word ‘mine’ each of different things, but of the
same: one will not drag into his own house whatever goods he can get
apart from the rest; another will not drag into his own separate house a
separate wife and separate children; they will not bring in private
pleasures and pains of their own.
It is most probable that the basic underlying philosophy of Communism, Socialism and the Illuminati were also all to be found in Sodom & Gomorrah. This included the destruction of the institution of marriage and monogamy. For them, sex with anyone at anytime was completely acceptable and probably a common feature of these two towns. That’s why the word for a sex pervert is the term Sodomite. Socrates and Plato, too, advocated the same basic sexual immorality:
As soon as the women and the men pass the age of begetting, we shall
leave the men free to consort with any they will…and the women again
When young men prove themselves good and true in war or anywhere
else, honors must be given them…particularly more generous freedom
of intercourse with women.
This common theme of sexual degeneracy coupled with ‘enlightened,’ and so-called ‘communal’ or Socialist values is, in fact, the essence of Sodom & Gomorrah. It’s almost as if these same wicked townspeople have reared up their ugly heads throughout history just to smite the God who destroyed them thousands of years before. Indeed, the modern University continues to preach these values through their constant litany of Nietzche, Marx and Freud. Indeed, there appears to be an astonishing similarity in the moral values of Socrates and Plato, both homosexual pedophiles; Adam Weishaupt, the atheist head of the Illuminati; and Karl Marx, a known Satanist. While this may not amount to an actual conspiracy, this is only because wickedness needs no conspiracy. History has shown that the evil spirit of these two towns lives on. The precise legacy of Sodom & Gomorrah can be seen in the following chart:
No Bible: Socrates, Plato --> Adam Weishaupt --> Karl Marx
No Property: ‘No one will have any private property…at all.’ --> Abolition of Property --> ‘Abolition of private property’
No Family: ‘The parent shall not know the child nor the child its parent.’ --> Abolition of Family --> ‘Abolition of the family’
No Marriage: ‘Women are to be all common to all these men.’ --> Abolition of Marriage --> ‘Openly legalized community of women.’
No Nations: ‘Can we name any greater evil for a city than that which…makes it many instead of one?’ --> Abolition of Nations --> ‘abolish countries’
No Religion: ‘No holy rite or prayers will be heard.’ --> Abolition of Religion --> ‘abolish all religion’
This chart clearly shows that the so-called Satanic ‘conspiracy’ some Christians are in fear of has been openly advocated throughout history and is, in fact, not a conspiracy at all. It is a reality that some people, even today, desperately believe in and will fight to the death over. Obviously, the society they envision is completely opposed to the Biblical world-view of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, there is a certain way of reading the Gospels of Christ that can make it seem like Jesus Himself was advocating the same type of society. He wasn’t, of course, but that does not stop people from deliberately misreading the Gospels in order to support their position on certain issues. The passages that would support the tenets of Socrates, the Illuminati, and Communism are as follows:
The Abolition of… Gospel Passage (Verse)
Property... There is still one thing left for you: sell all that you have and give it to the poor…Then come, follow me. (Luke 18:22)
Family... From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother. (Luke 12:52-53)
Marriage... Those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age…neither marry nor are given in marriage. (Luke 20:35)
Nation... On earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. (Luke 21:25)
Religion... Is it not written in your law...‘You are gods’? (Luke 10:34)
Many Biblical scholars would refute these coincidental passages and claim that Christ was not a Communist or a secret member of the Illuminati. The question remains, however, as to why he would clearly advocate the destruction of family, marriage, and the giving up of private property. There is a slight eeriness to these so-called coincidences and to the unbelievable power that Communism has had over the minds of otherwise intelligent and sexually moral individuals. Perhaps Satan really has been up to something, but to dwell upon it too much can only lead to unnecessary paranoia. It must always be remembered that no matter how powerful Satan is, God is more powerful and always will be. The defeat of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe proves that to be the case and, in terms of China, it is simply a matter of time.
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles.
Jason Nicholas Korning
The Seal of St. Peter
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